Friday, June 28, 2013


The Pokémon Company has today publish a special statement to the participants in official tournaments (tournaments held on the Pokémon Global Link or the TCG tournament).

In his message, the Tokyo firm complained of various applications like what it can be found in the smartphones (as PokéCreator) that create and customize Pokémon then send them on the Original Pokémon Game, The Pokémon Company explains also that more with the potential damage that affect your game (which is true), those " Illegal Pokémon" (this is how they are called) created from external tools do not correspond to the image of Pokémon (which is true).

So, the Tokyo firm decided that from now on, any player caught with an Illegal (or Hacked) Pokémon in any tournament will be disqualified from the tournament and completely banned from all future competitions they will be organize.

You are now warned. Be careful and use only Pokémon trained by yourself. This is more rewarding and it will save you from getting into trouble !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>click here to read full<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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